Monday, October 13, 2014

Falling behind

Our lives here lately have been really busy but I am not really sure , doing what? I haven't blogged in forever. Hadley is now fully potty trained, sleeping through the night and all. Her vocabulary is getting larger everyday. She has quite the little personality. She very sassy. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer almost over

It's hard to believe summer is about to
Come to an end in a day. I go back to school on Wednesday. This summer has been great, I have got to spend a lot of time with Hadley Rae.  She is now potty trained!!! That was a big goal this summer.  We spend a week in St. Louis with my family. And we have relaxed at home. Which was wonderful! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Trigger rides, fun at the creek and potty training

Our summer has been much calmer than last year. We have enjoyed our time at home.  I have been trying for a long time to potty train Hadley, I do believe we are almost potty trained!!!!! Yah!!! This has been the most difficult part of parenthood so far. We have rode trigger some.  We played played at the creek some. Hadley loves to throw rocks at the creek. 

Hadley making funny faces. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer fun

So far this summer we have been
So busy!!! But we have had fun! With family and friends! 

Hadley loves this couch!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

New puppy Minnie

On Sunday Hadley got a new little  puppy , a Jack Russell. When I asked her what the name was going to be she said Dixie. I told her it could not be Dixie so I asked her if she wanted it to be Mickey and she said yes! But now she calls him minnie mouse.