Today Hadley Rae is 4 months. It is so crazy to think that she is that old already!!!! Time sure does fly by. At 4 months Hadley is getting up at about 6 a.m. drinking a bottle (6oz.), at 7:30 a.m. eating cereal with banana, at 10 a.m. drinking a bottle (6 oz.), at noon eating some banana, at 2:00 p.m. drinking a bottle (6oz.), at 5:00 p.m. eating cereal with a banana and drinking a bottle, then at 8 drinking a bottle (6oz.), gets a bath, and then is in bed by 9 p.m. She is a pretty good girl, but get her off her schedule and she is not a happy camper. She is just like her momma, needs a routine and schedule. Hadley is also can roll over now, and loves to suck on her fingers.
4 months
3 months
2 months
1 months
2 days
We bought Hadley at jumper. She loves it!!! She loves to be moving and jumping.
Hadley at Mrs. Julie's playing!!!
Hadley Rae having bananas for the first time! She loved it! But she just likes to eat. We joke at church, because our church eats more than any church I know. So Hadley truely is a member at Summit, because she loves to eat.