Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Little Adult

Last night Austin and I were in the living room and Hadley was playing in her room, we thought. So we both walked back to her room to check on her and to our surprise Hadley's door was shut and the light was off. So we walked in and she was sound asleep in her bed. She looked so peaceful.
 I was trying to keep her awake because she had a 3 1/2 hour nap. I knew she would not sleep well if she went to bed early.  But she won that war.  She just put herself to sleep. 

Helping daddy. 

At nap time yesterday. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Catching up

Time has gotten away from me lately. I haven't had time to blog or post pictures. Hadley keeps me very busy. She is such an active little girl. I would have no idea where she got that from. The other day I asked Austin to keep an eye on her while I fixed dinner. I was in the kitchen and it was really quiet in the other room. Then all of a sudden Austin came in the kitchen with Hadley and said you will never guess what your (notes he said your) daughter did. It didn't take long to see what she did. She "tried" painting her own finger and toe nails. At first I thought she had cut herself because her color of choice was red. It was a mess needless the say.