Friday, June 1, 2012

Cale Visits and Baby Doll

Cale came over and spent the night the other day. He is such a helper when he comes. He feeds Hadley, rocks her, and even does her laundry. When we came home from church Hadley was ready for a bath and bottle, and I needed to get some stuff done around the house. So Cale took the trash out and put a new trash bag in the trash. I told thank you and he was such a big boy. And Cale said, “yes I know I am, and I know everything, because I am so big." It is so cute, because he thinks being 5 is so big. While Hadley was taking a nap on Thursday, I was doing laundry. Well Cale wanted to do Hadley's laundry. So he put her clothes in the washer and then in the dryer. He stood and watched the washer the whole time just waiting for it to get done. But for some reason he didn't want to fold it or put it away.
He even has the burp rag on his shoulder! Hadley has been doing a lot of new things here lately. She is starting to smile and make noises at me. Her favorite spot is lying on the couch just hanging out. Thursday morning was kind of a cool morning, but I needed to go out to the garden. So I took her with me and I put on her owl hat. A lady I worked with at Everton made it. She is so talented!!!! This morning Hadley and I were just sitting on the couch watching the news and Hadley was playing with her baby doll. She was trying to suck on it and she would grab the doll. She is a strong little girl!!! Also, Hadley is always moving her arms. She especially moves her hands. I tell Austin she is trying to rope, but she moves her left hand like she is roping. And Austin tells her she can't rope left handed. Here are some pictures of her moving her left hand like she is trying to rope!!!

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