Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Food

We now have started baby food two times a day, at lunch and dinner. The first thing I gave Hadley was bananas mixed in with her cereal. She loved it!!!! She sucked it down like a vacuum. She sure does love her food. Then I decided after two weeks to try squash, because I froze a ton from this summer. Well, that didn't go as well as the bananas. She hated it!!! She got to the point where she would put her lips together and kind of test taste what was on the spoon before she would open her mouth. After a few days I gave up on the squash, but I think I will reintroduce it later down the road. Austin said it was ok that she didn't like squash, because he does not like squash. I told him that was not how it was going to work at our house. Next I tried sweet potatoes. At first she didn't know what to think, but she finished off the jar. So hopefully she will grow to like them.

Hadley has this new trick. When she is in her jumper, she starts to fake cough to get someone’s attention. When she has your attention she starts to laugh. She is so rotten.

Hadley eating sweet potatoes.
She loves to roll on her belly as soon as I put her down!!

She must be in deep thought......ummmm......

Reese giving Hadley a hug. Reese is so sweet to Miss Hadley Rae.

Hadley making a production! Austin and I just laugh so hard every time she makes a production!

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